Cesar R. Hernandez is a first-generation American from Brooklyn, New York, who moved to Tampa to attend the University of South Florida, marking the beginning of a storied journey as a young leader blazing a trail to change the world.
Cesar’s impact across the globe includes engagement, social impact, and development of projects in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. He represented the United States at international summits in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, where he held deliberations with world leaders and Nobel Laureates on current global challenges. At the Education Without Borders summit, attended by 3,000 participants representing 130 countries, Cesar delivered the #1 ranked policy presentations on his research and examination of American immigration and its contemporary challenges.
Cesar has worked the past 8 years as a public policy advisor, political consultant, public affairs strategist and government relations professional. Perhaps Cesar’s most widely publicized role to date involves his leadership in working with regional governments advocating for the safe deployment of new technology, concepts and ideas. He was the lead strategist in crafting the first ever public-private partnership between a government agency, a rideshare company (Transdev) and an electric vehicle manufacturer (Tesla) to create one of the nation’s first Hyperlink rideshare and public transit integration projects. Cesar has aligned his clients with companies such as, Tesla, Google, Apple and GM and advises disruptive technology companies such as Hyperloop Transportation Technologies and the micro mobility company Bird.
A former Student Body President and University Trustee at USF, he studied Bio-Medical Science, Political Science, and Economics. Cesar was recently named Entrepreneur of the Week by the prestigious Jonathan M. Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship at Brown University.
He is an avid public speaker and two-time TEDx presenter and lauded for his TEDx presentation titled: The Power of the Selfless Being.